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SOLAR cables
SOLAR cable means flexible single cables specialty designed for wiring solar plants.
SOLAR cables arc extremely robust and resist high mechanical load and abrasion. High temperature re-sistance and cxccllcnt weather-proofing characteri-stics provide a long service life. Due to material tech-nology. these outstanding properties have been ach-ieved with small cable diameters.

Tight production tolerances - specifically for autom-ated processes - enable easy assembly of cables.This represerts a special advantage for molding, ca-sting or soldering with no shrinking or other changes inelcctrorv-bcam cross-linked material. In case of fire there is no occurrence of corrosive or toxic gases. Sm-oke production incase of fire is very low.

光伏电浅可承载超强的机电负荷,具有良好的耐磨、耐高温、耐候特 性.具有超常的使用寿命,基于绝缘材料技术的发展, —些小线径的 电浅也可以具有同样优越的特性。
精密的自动化控制系统,确保电缆公差,易于组装,使用耐寒的 交联材料作为导线的绝缘来确保压摸、成型、焊接过程中无回缩,采 用低烟无卤阻燃的材料在火灾发生时不会产生有毒有害气体。

General features
.Temperature range for applications-40°C to +90°C
S.hort circuit resistance up to +200°C
.Electron-beam cross-linked materials do not melt or (low.
even at high temperatures
.High resistance against heat. cold, abrasion、UV, ozone- and hydrolyses
.Very high mechanical robustness and resistance against water, oil and chemicals
.Halogen free.flame retardant

.使用温度-40℃ to +90℃

Composition of cable
1.Conductor:Stranded thi plated copper,fine wired.acc to IEC60228,class 5
2.Insulation:Cross-linked masterials
3.Jacket:Cross-linked materials

4 印字(Marki啤):ATLIV R50157512 2PfG 1169 PV1^ 1X (jmn2 -40r-90r AC Uo/UOS/1 KV DC1 8KV RoHS -+IUAHAO-

物料编码 导体横截面 导体结构 导体绞合外径 成品外径(mm) 导体直流电阻 载流量
001-150-01-PVF 1.5 30/Q25 1.58 4.8 ±0.5 13.7 30
001-250-01-PVF 2.5 49/0i25 2.02 5.4 ±0.5 8.21 41
001-400-01-PVF 4 56/0.30 2.60 6.2 ±0.8 5.09 55
001-600-01-PVF 6 84/0.30 3.30 7.3 ±0.8 3.39 70
001-A1001-PVF 10 84/0.40 4.70 9.10±1.0 1.95 98
额定电压:IVU= 测试电压:&511V, 5ain
使用寿命:>25 年(~40°C 到 +90°C>
导体使用温度:+120 °C
穹曲半径:≥4*∮(D<8mm)  ≥6*∮(D≥8mm)
烟密度:IEC 61034. EN 50268-2
卤释放能量:IEC 670754-1 EN50267-2-1
Nominal voltage:IVU= Test voltage: &511V, 5ain
Temperature rating: ~40°C to +90°
Ambiet temperature: >25years(~40°C to +90°C>
Short circuit resistance up to +200°C
Max.conductor temperature: +120 °C
Bending radius: ≥4*∮(D<8mm)  ≥6*∮(D≥8mm)
Fire performance: IEC60332-1
Smoke density. IEC 61034. EN 50268-2
Conrent of halogen acid gas: IEC 670754-1 EN50267-2-1

我们的电浅产品能满足太阳能组件的标准要求.具有超长的使用寿命与耐候性。双层交联绝缘。同时也 能满足欧洲与美田光伏市场对于光伏电迮的商要求。
所有材料特性、阻燃测试.结构与电气方面的技术参数均按目前的产品标准制订。尺寸为参考值. 我们可能随时会有所调整.调整时不另行通知.所以谪以我们的产品规格书为准。

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